
  • Gestartet als Volontär, heute Junior Berater bei redRobin: Michael Sopp (Foto: redRobin)

“A great feeling that I'd like to have every day!”

Michael Sopp completed his traineeship at redRobin in September and has since joined our team in Frankfurt as a junior consultant. How he ended up in financial communications as a student teacher and why he particularly loves the unpredictable at redRobin ...

Three ideas that will shape tomorrow's communication

How can we continue to reach our target groups in the future? Today, younger people in particular are getting their information mainly or exclusively from social media such as Instagram, Tiktok and Co. In todays blog we will explore the importance of relevance, expertise and focus for the new communication channels.

  • Gunnar Oehlenschläger verstärkt seit September das redRobin-Team als Senior Communications Consultant in Frankfurt (Foto: Ilja Emrich)

"With our campaign, we have convinced people from the benefits of the EU!"

Our new colleague in Frankfurt, Gunnar Oehlenschläger, shares in the interview why financial PR is in his blood and what his favorite PR project had to do with the Euro financial crisis.
