Our Blog

  • Gestartet als Volontär, heute Junior Berater bei redRobin: Michael Sopp (Foto: redRobin)

“A great feeling that I'd like to have every day!”

Michael Sopp completed his traineeship at redRobin in September and has since joined our team in Frankfurt as a junior consultant. How he ended up in financial communications as a student teacher and why he particularly loves the unpredictable at redRobin ...

  • Lenny Zywietz liebt es, sich in komplexe Finanzthemen einzuarbeiten!

The lateral entrant to PR and the importance of the right emotion

In an interview our Junior Communications Consultant Lenny Zywietz told us, why he likes to get to grips with complex financial topics and how jumping into the cold water became the absolute highlight of his traineeship ...

  • Finfluencer erreichen plattformübergreifend mittlerweile ein Millionenpublikum: Nun starten redRobin und Finfluencer ein gemeinsames Beratungsangebot rund um Influencer-Marketing-Kampagnen.

  • „Die Nachfrage nach digitalem Content rund um Finanzbildung und Anlagethemen in den sozialen Netzen hat massiv zugenommen. Finfluencer können diese Lücke füllen“, sagt Susanne Wiesemann Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von redRobin. (Foto: Ilja Emrich)

  • „Im Konsumgüterbereich ist Influencer Marketing bereits fester Bestandteil des Marketing-Mix. Die Finanzbranche wird aufholen“, sagt Tom Slatter, Mitgründer von Finfluencer (Foto: Finfluencer)

Booming (f)influencer market: redRobin and Finfluencer launch joint consultancy service

redRobin startet gemeinsam mit der Londoner Influencer-Marketing-Agentur Finfluencer eine Beratung für integrierte und maßgeschneiderte Influencer-Marketing-Kampagnen.

Three ideas that will shape tomorrow's communication

How can we continue to reach our target groups in the future? Today, younger people in particular are getting their information mainly or exclusively from social media such as Instagram, Tiktok and Co. In todays blog we will explore the importance of relevance, expertise and focus for the new communication channels.

  • The open-ended investment fund celebrates it's 100th birthday.

Back to the Future – Investment Funds Turn 100

The open-ended investment fund celebrates it's 100th birthday. In his blog post, Lars Hofer explains why the industry is facing enormous challenges – and why AI and quantum computing are already heralding the next major upheaval in fund management!

