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redRobin engages in charitable project 500 MAL SEHEN

Routine surgery with a high success rate: Corneal transplantation is the most common transplantation worldwide. But the demand far exceeds the available donations. The German charitable project 500 MAL SEHEN therefore aims to increase people's willingness to donate. redRobin offers communicative support.

PR in a confusing world: How complexity becomes a communicative opportunity

Technical, legal and economic matters are becoming increasingly complex. For companies, however, our confusing world offers communicative opportunities because well-founded critical content is in greater demand than ever.

  • selbstbriefing

Brief thy neighbour as thyself

Crap in, crap out: Only those who are well informed can do their job in the best possible way. This is as true for cooperation with agencies and service providers as it is for internal communication. Hence, a plea for a regular self-briefing.

Good neighbors? On the relationship between PR and journalism

Foe or friend? When PR people understand journalists' requirements regarding press material, nothing stands in the way of a good and collegial relationship.

Critical Opinion, Excellent PR - Why it Pays Off to Swim against the Tide from Time to Time

More than ten years ago Web 2.0 made the headlines, today Artificial Intelligence repeatedly features on the front pages - Every couple of years a few specific topics dominate the current media coverage. Companies can take advantage of this momentum - especially if they take a critical stance.

