
I'm off! Always trouble with the handover

Delegating helps with working more efficiently and effectively. Especially since none of us can do everything – neither everything at once, nor everything equally well. During the vacation period, for many of us this means: handing over responsibility, demanding performance. But: How do I tell my holiday cover?


redRobin engages in charitable project 500 MAL SEHEN

Routine surgery with a high success rate: Corneal transplantation is the most common transplantation worldwide. But the demand far exceeds the available donations. The German charitable project 500 MAL SEHEN therefore aims to increase people's willingness to donate. redRobin offers communicative support.

PR in a confusing world: How complexity becomes a communicative opportunity

Technical, legal and economic matters are becoming increasingly complex. For companies, however, our confusing world offers communicative opportunities because well-founded critical content is in greater demand than ever.
